This is my fantastic model Emilyn! I thought she would be perfect for this Self-Portrait, so that is why I wanted to use her. As you can see, our photoshoot went really well. Once we finished the photoshoot, part of our project was to go onto photoshop essentials to find ways to retouch the photo. The purpose was to make our model look like a star :). While I was on photoshop essentials I found some really cool techniques that I decided to use such as: teeth whitening, making the face look smoother, and my favorite...applying make-up! I added eyeliner and eye shadow. This process took me mulitple times to get it right, but I did it! Secondly, we had to create a 8 x 11 white background and use brushes to create neat effects to add to the portrait. I first added the cloud effect as my first layer, the star/diamond effect as my second layer, and the stars as my third & fourth layers. Then, I had to flatten the portrait of Emilyn in order to add it to the new 8 x 11 background. Once I did that, I added brown effects to bring out the eye shadow color and the color of the hidden flower on Emilyn's head-band. Overall, I thought this project was pretty fun & can't wait to be assigned more!